Thank you for everything.

To our friends and allies,

For over three years, Street Medics - Dallas has operated with the intent of helping those in need in whatever ways we can. Over the years we have worked multiple protests, engaged with our communities, and done our best to provide for those less fortunate than us. We’ve stood against the people seeking to marginalize, and stood beside the people seeking a better future.

It is with a heavy heart that we announce that Street Medics - Dallas will be dissolving. Effective immediately, SMD will not be accepting further monetary donations. As of December 31st 2023, all financial operations will cease. We will continue to honor our remaining commitments, but we will fully dissolve as an organization effective January 31st 2024.

Though this is a moment of sadness for us all, I think it’s important to remember all we’ve accomplished. Together we forged something powerful, and have been directly involved in situations that led to the survival of people who might not have made it without our interventions. We bolstered the confidence of those seeking change for the better by standing behind them and reassuring them that we would do all in our power to keep them safe. And we worked to uphold those promises to the best of our ability. We have accomplished more than we ever expected to, and we are choosing to focus on that legacy of care and support as we close our doors.

On behalf of the Command Team and our Alpha Leadership Squad, I would like to thank everyone who turned out to support our mission. Your impacts are significant, powerful, and have paved the way for a better future. You’ve done more than you know, and we will not forget your dedication and skill. Thank you all for allowing us to support you for these last three years.

Street Medics - Dallas

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